Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Technology is Crazy!

My daughter was in an elementary school version of Grease right before school was out. They did a fantastic job! The entire Grease story in 20 minutes. Later, walking by the props from the show, Faith showed me the rotary dial phone. And then, much to my surprise, she asked me to show her how to dial it. :) Isn't it funny how kids can intuitively use a computer with a mouse by the age of 2, but aren't sure what to do with a Bell telephone from 50 years ago. Technology is a funny thing.

When the iPhone OS 4.0 was released, Apple announced that they would not continue to support the original iPhone - which was just released 4 years ago! At the rate that technology is progressing, any type of equipment we own with a computer will be obsolete in shorter and shorter periods.

Not too long ago, I wanted to make some room on my desk at home, so we went out and found a really good deal on a flat screen monitor. Got it installed and found out that my 9-year-old PC wouldn't support it.

I'm sure you have a story for this subject, too.

Well, at my work, they upgraded the software in the computer lab, and immediately found out that the hardware would need to be upgraded as well. Of course.

The old monitors were retired, and looked like they were lined up to go out to pasture. Kind of sad. They showed a lot of students some good class time.

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